Science for the People calls for a “People’s Green New Deal” to combat the climate crisis with widespread democratic input.

Watch our series of 7 online teach-ins covering topics such as agroecology, just transition, energy democracy, indigenous rights, and design and art for a People’s Green New Deal!

Check out the Science for the People magazine issue on A People’s Green New Deal.

The Climate Change working group as well as several chapters of Science for the People have organized various events on a Green New Deal.

We crafted various resources to aid campaigning at the local and national level.
Read the SftP Statement on the Green New Deal here
Longer term goals for the campaign include:
Bring the Green New Deal into the classroom. Working with school teachers and community groups, we will develop a series of popular educational trainings and materials. These are intended to de-mystify topics that are made unnecessarily complex by entrenched corporate interests and bureaucracies, such as how energy systems work.
Pro-actively build relationships to break down barriers across sections of the climate movement, especially between university-centered organizing and community/environmental justice struggles.
Help the climate justice movement build a powerful platform for the democratic intake of opinions and arguments for what a Green New Deal should include and avoid.